Very small Pay attention to the dimensions of the product as it is extremely small in size.
Sports bag Adorable, but definitely tiny for the price. Probably would not order again.
Nice byt but not worth what I paid! This product was nice but not worth the money that I paid for it was a lot smaller than I had thought. And the shipping said it would be 10 to 12 days and it came too late for my grandson's birthday.
Duffle Bag Review This is the cutest bag but I feel that the amount of money charged for such a small item is very very high. Either the duffle should have been larger or the price should have been lower.
Much smaller than expected By Shopper (Portsmouth, RI) - May 20, 2021 Quality and size overall feels more like a dog toy.
Toooo small I actually thought it was bigger than what I received.... I guess you should take a picture of this product next to a 2 year old ......
Very Small I'm super disappointed in the size of this bag. It's so small and not what I expected for $50! I don't think this is advertised or priced appropriately.
Buyer Be Aware The photo made this look deceptively larger. I bought it for my 17 month old grandson when in reality it’s just a novelty item for a baby gift. For that purpose, it’s cute. I should have read the dimensions as it it not at all suitable for a little boy. Clarification on the sellers part would be helpful. The quality is really nice, but it’s just decoration. Not to play with.
Bought this for a 1 year old baby Product is way too small. I was shocked when I received it and quite honestly embarrassed to give it as a gift.
Too small By Shopper (Abita springs, LA) - November 30, 2020 Cost was nearly $50 including shipping and tax. Not worth the dollars for this product. Way too small
Baby Sports Bag Disappointment This bag is very small. It is not plush, or soft, and looks cheaply made. Other than the personalized name, not much else to recommend. Not worth the money.
BEWARE SIZE & DIMENSIONS Overall, the product came in on time and appears to be a fine quality. My concern is the size is FAR smaller than it appears online. Take a close look at the length x width x height specified —- extremely small. I thought this would be a Christmas gift, but it has now become a stocking stuffer. Additionally, the thread-work for the name added to the flap was sloppy. There were many pieces of thread not tucked in or cut.
SOOOO SMALL! By Shopper (Plainfield, IN) - October 2, 2020 This item was good quality but for the price, it's very small.
Not worth it Item too small! Way to small! I would have purchased something else for the price!
Tiny For the cost of this item it was much much smaller than I expected, sent it as a gift.
Too small By Shopper (San Antonio, TX) - March 9, 2020 I was disappointed. I thought the bag was a lot bigger than it was.
So small I thought this would be like an actual (albeit smaller) duffel bag. It’s the size for maybe an American girl doll. Really disappointed.
Tiny sports bag I purchased this as a gift for an infant. Upon receiving it, I was so disappointed with it. It is much smaller then anticipated and does not seem to be worth the money.
Lou Extremely smaller than expexted. Woukd not recommend at all. Too expensive for what you are really getting.
disappointed Was very disappointed. Item looked really nice but very small. Not for a 1 year old. Should only be for a new born. When your looking at the product the measurements are not in clear view. The bag is only about 12 inches long. The balls are like little rattlers. I knew it wouldn't be a large bag but thought it would be bigger for a toddler.
So Small This bag is so tiny.......the value should be about $5.00, not $28.
I consider this a total rip off......considered sending it back for a refund,
but it is too late.....
First Sports Bag By Shopper (Kansas City, KS) - April 8, 2016 It's very cute. I was very disappointed that it was so small compared to the picture. Especially for the price.
Cute but very small I bought this for a 1 year old and although very cute the bag is tiny. I was thinking he could bring toys other than the very small balls it came with if he wanted to when he goes out . Better for a 6 mo old.
My first mini sports bag By Shopper (Bakersfield, CA) - December 15, 2023 Very disappointed in the product. It looks like they go with a doll or something. Super tiny and not worth the cost, way overpriced.
Ok Be cautious. Things appear much larger than we thought they would or should be. Value definitely not there!!
Review bag I think that the bag is way too small for the cost.
Disappointed This item is very small and minimal compared to the price. So disappointed Came late by 10 days also
Baby Small It is more the size of a cosmetics bag than a sports bag. I would not recommend it.
Disappointed By Shopper (Gaston , SC) - October 23, 2021 Very disappointed with the size of this bag for the cost. Very expensive for such a small small item. It was going to be a Christmas present but don’t know if it’s going to be it’s embarrassing how small it is. I would never have spent that kind of money on something so small.
Not as described Really upset with the sports bag. Price doesn’t do justice to the product. Website/photo description fools you. Do not recommend to buy as its very tiny.
Cheap quality, Way smaller than displayed Very Cheap quality, Way smaller than displayed. I would NOT buy again. Waste of money.
Not what I expected I am a pretty good customer but I must say that when I received this item I was extremely disappointed. This is too small even for an infant, again extremely disappointed in this particular item.
not very big i was disappointed to say the very least, the bag was cute and the embroidery was great looking, but with tax and shipping it was $65 USD just to give you ideas of how small it is 1)it is half the length of a roll of paper towels, and if you put the "bag" behind a roll of paper towels laying down you would never see it 2)it is the same size (height and length) as my tri fold wallet if i open it up 3)you can put it in a large beverage cup from McDonalds and it would fit perfectly inside I'm sorry i bought it
Sports bag By Shopper (Santa Fe Springs, CA) - May 10, 2021 Very much smaller than expected. Would not have bought
Tiny bag Make sure to read the specs on this item. It is so small and I’m not sure my grandson will ever use it. Too much money for such a small item. Very disappointing.
Very small By Shopper (Streator, IL) - January 6, 2021 I have ordered from Personalization Mall for quite awhile and have usually been satisfied with my orders but this one by far was the worst thing I have ever ordered. It was SO small and tiny I would of never ordered it for that price. I was beyond disappointed with the size.
Sports bag Very small bag , very disappointed, very overpriced for what you get
Disappointed By Shopper (Westbury, NY) - December 15, 2020 I was really disappointed in this item. Some of the rattles in the balls do not work and the bag is so small.
small bag The little sports bag IS LITTLE...this was not what I expected for the price...the bag is made well and so cute but very small.. overpriced for product
Not as expected I guess I should have read the description with the measurements! I know this is for a baby but it is miniature! I’m almost embarrassed to give this as a gift. Not worth the price at all!!!